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Math & ELA Presentation Flip Chart Set - Gr. 1-5

Mã sản phẩm: 30-0010 Lược xem: 1920

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Math & ELA Presentation Templates Flip Chart Set provides graphical representation of key math and ELA topics. along with “write-on/Wipe-off” activities.

The presentation templates provide a structured basis for understanding relationships, representing information, making models and analyzing data. Designed to complement any Math and ELA program at the elementary grade levels, the collection promotes active student engagement and learning. The front side of each chart covers a math topic and the reverse side covers an ELA topic. The charts are spiral bound on a sturdy free-standing easel for easy display. The charts are ideal for small group Instruction, students working Independently, learning center activities or as a teaching resource/classroom reference. They are also a great complement to the Curriculum Mastery Learning Center Games. Includes a Teacher's Guide with copymaster activities for student use.

The Math & ELA Presentation Templates Flip Chart Set features 10 double-sided, laminated 12" x 18" charts with each page covering one of the following topics:

The front sides of the charts include the following math related templates:

  1. About Time
  2. Place Value
  3. Bar Graphing
  4. Fraction Circles
  5. Fraction Equivalents
  6. Addition Square
  7. Hundred Square
  8. Multiplication Square
  9. Number Line
  10. Solving Word Problems

The back sides of the charts include the following ELA related templates:

  1. Today’s Schedule
  2. Weekly Assignments
  3. Hand Writing
  4. Meaning Tree
  5. Spelling List
  6. Story Map
  7. Story Telling
  8. Venn Diagrams
  9. Vocabulary
  10. Cause & Effect