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Grade 3 Math Curriculum Mastery® Game - Class-Pack Edition

Mã sản phẩm: 23-3001 Lược xem: 5053

Liên hệ

Includes 25 individually packaged sets of 30 colorful, review cards per topic - a total of 750 curriculum-based questions! Also includes 12 double-sided, laminated game boards; comprehensive Teacher Planning & Resource Guide; and FREE 1-Year Premium Subscription to NewPath's Online Learning Program providing access to Math games, interactive activities, quizzes and more. Complete curriculum coverage of the following standards-based topics -

1. Odd & Even
2. Double-Digit Addition
3. Double-Digit Subtraction
4. Regrouping
5. Money to $5
6. Giving Change from $1.00
7. Ordering & Comparing Numbers
8. Greater Than/Less Than
9. Estimation
10. Place Value
11. Story Problems
12. Expanding Numbers
13. Comparing Fractions
14. Equivalent Fractions of ½
15. Multiplication Facts
16. Open Number Sentences
17. Determining the One Operation Function
18. Time
19. Congruent Shapes
20. Temperature
21. Perimeter
22. Probability
23. Graphs
24. Determine Appropriate Standards of Units
25. Measurement