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Mã sản phẩm: 24-6016 Lược xem: 2366
Play and Learn All About Rocks & Their Properties!
Your students will enjoy learning as they play Bingo using 75 review cards covering the curriculum standards on rocks. Each card features a full-color photograph of the rock along with key information one side. Included are facts about sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks; distinguishing physical properties; identification tips; and their respective place in the Rock Cycle. The reverse side features a question, challenge or learning statement. In addition to the review cards, each game includes 30 full-color Bingo cards, 300 markers and a comprehensive teacher's guide. Printed in color on durable, heavy cardstock, the cards are also ideal for use as standalone flash cards for independent review.
Play and Learn All About Rocks & Their Properties!
Your students will enjoy learning as they play Bingo using 75 review cards covering the curriculum standards on rocks. Each card features a full-color photograph of the rock along with key information one side. Included are facts about sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks; distinguishing physical properties; identification tips; and their respective place in the Rock Cycle. The reverse side features a question, challenge or learning statement. In addition to the review cards, each game includes 30 full-color Bingo cards, 300 markers and a comprehensive teacher's guide. Printed in color on durable, heavy cardstock, the cards are also ideal for use as standalone flash cards for independent review.